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Exception Handling


We have defined an exception class KnownException in the package NetCorePal.Extensions.Primitives to represent known exceptions, allowing the system to respond to exceptions in a more user-friendly manner.

KnownException implements the IKnownException interface, which can carry more information such as Message, ErrorCode, ErrorData, etc. The interface is defined as follows:

public interface IKnownException
    string Message { get; }

    int ErrorCode { get; }

    IEnumerable<object> ErrorData { get; }

Exception Handling Middleware KnownExceptionHandleMiddleware

We have defined an exception handling middleware KnownExceptionHandleMiddleware in the package NetCorePal.Extensions.AspNetCore to handle exceptions.

KnownExceptionHandleMiddleware will catch known exceptions and convert the exception information into a ResponseData object, then return it to the client, ensuring that normal responses and exception responses have the same data structure, making it easier for the frontend to handle.

If the exception is not a known exception, a default error message will be returned to mask sensitive information and avoid exposing internal system exceptions.

Usage example in the Program.cs file:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add Other Services

var app = builder.Build();


The configuration options for KnownExceptionHandleMiddleware are as follows:

  • KnownExceptionStatusCode: The response status code for known exceptions, default is HttpStatusCode.OK (200);
  • UnknownExceptionStatusCode: The response status code for unknown exceptions, default is HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError (500);
  • UnknownExceptionMessage: The response message for unknown exceptions, default is "Unknown Error";
  • UnknownExceptionCode: The response error code for unknown exceptions, default is 99999;

The specific code definition is as follows:

public class KnownExceptionHandleMiddlewareOptions
    public HttpStatusCode KnownExceptionStatusCode { get; set; } = HttpStatusCode.OK;
    public HttpStatusCode UnknownExceptionStatusCode { get; set; } = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
    public string UnknownExceptionMessage { get; set; } = "Unknown Error";
    public int UnknownExceptionCode { get; set; } = 99999;

Dynamic Exception Handling Configuration

KnownExceptionHandleMiddleware supports dynamic configuration through registering a factory method:

Func<HttpContext, KnownExceptionHandleMiddlewareOptions>

Here is an example where option1 is used when the request path starts with /api/internal, otherwise option2 is used:

var app = builder.Build();

var option1 = new KnownExceptionHandleMiddlewareOptions {
    KnownExceptionStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
    UnknownExceptionStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
    UnknownExceptionMessage = "Unknown Error",
    UnknownExceptionCode = 99999
var option2 = new KnownExceptionHandleMiddlewareOptions {
    KnownExceptionStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
    UnknownExceptionStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
    UnknownExceptionMessage = "Unknown Error",
    UnknownExceptionCode = 10000

app.UseKnownExceptionHandler(httpContext => {
    if(httpContext.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/api/internal")) {
        return option1;
    else {
        return option2;