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Jwt Authentication


To facilitate user usage, we provide the functionality to manage Jwt keys, which can automatically generate keys and inject them into JwtBearerOptions. We offer various key storage methods such as InMemoryJwtSettingStore, FileJwtSettingStore, RedisJwtSettingStore, and DbContextJwtSettingStore, allowing users to choose the appropriate method based on their needs.

How to Use

Add package references:

# InMemory storage, File storage
dotnet add package NetCorePal.Extensions.Jwt   

# Redis storage
dotnet add package NetCorePal.Extensions.Jwt.StackExchangeRedis

# EntityFrameworkCore storage
dotnet add package NetCorePal.Extensions.Jwt.EntityFrameworkCore

Add the following code in Startup.cs:

builder.Services.AddJwtAuthentication(options =>
    // Authentication configuration logic

builder.Services.AddNetCorePalJwt().AddInMemoryStore(); // Use in-memory storage for keys

If you need to use file storage for keys, you can use the following code:

builder.Services.AddJwtAuthentication(options =>
    // Authentication configuration logic

builder.Services.AddNetCorePalJwt().AddFileStore("jwtsetting-filename.json"); // Use file storage for keys

To use Redis for key storage:

builder.Services.AddJwtAuthentication(options =>
    // Authentication configuration logic

// Add Redis connection
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IConnectionMultiplexer>(p => ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("Redis")!));
builder.Services.AddNetCorePalJwt().AddRedisStore(); // Use Redis for key storage

To use EntityFrameworkCore for key storage, you need to add the JwtSetting entity class in MyDbContext:

public class MyDbContext : DbContext, IJwtSettingDbContext
    public MyDbContext(DbContextOptions<MyDbContext> options) : base(options)

    public DbSet<JwtSetting> JwtSettings => Set<JwtSetting>();

Configure authentication and storage:

builder.Services.AddJwtAuthentication(options =>
    // Authentication configuration logic

builder.Services.AddDbContext<MyDbContext>(options =>

builder.Services.AddNetCorePalJwt().AddEntityFrameworkCoreStore<MyDbContext>(); // Use EntityFrameworkCore for key storage

Generate JwtToken

In the controller, you can use the IJwtProvider interface to generate JwtToken as shown below:

public async Task<ResponseData<string>> JwtLogin(string name, [FromServices] IJwtProvider provider)
    var claims = new[]
        new Claim("uid", "111"),
        new Claim("type", "client"),
        new Claim("email", ""),
    var jwt = await provider.GenerateJwtToken(new JwtData("issuer-x", "audience-y",
    return jwt.AsResponseData();