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Pessimistic Lock - Redis Lock

What is Redis Lock?

Redis Lock is a mechanism used to solve concurrency issues, implemented based on Redis's pessimistic lock. In a concurrent environment, multiple users may change the same resource simultaneously. If not restricted, operations between different users may overwrite each other, leading to data inconsistency. Redis Lock is designed to solve this problem.

Implementation Principle of Redis Lock

The implementation principle of Redis Lock is to set a unique key in Redis to represent the lock. When a thread acquires the lock, other threads cannot acquire the lock until the thread releases the lock. The specific steps are as follows: 1. Thread A tries to acquire the lock by setting a unique key in Redis. If successful, it acquires the lock. 2. After thread A completes the operation, it deletes the unique key to release the lock. 3. Thread B tries to acquire the lock. If the unique key does not exist in Redis, it acquires the lock; otherwise, it waits or retries.

Usage Scenarios of Redis Lock

Redis Lock is mainly used to solve high concurrency issues. For example, in an order system, when multiple users place orders simultaneously, it may lead to overselling. At this time, Redis Lock can be used to ensure that the operation of deducting inventory is executed by only one thread at a time, ensuring data consistency.

Register Redis Lock

Register IDistributedLock in Program.cs:

using NetCorePal.Extensions.DistributedLocks;
using NetCorePal.Extensions.DistributedLocks.Redis;
using StackExchange.Redis;

var redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("Redis")!);
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IConnectionMultiplexer>(p => redis);

Use Redis Lock

Inject IDistributedLock where the lock is needed:

using NetCorePal.Extensions.DistributedLocks;
namespace DistributedLocksSample
    public class RedisLockSample
        private readonly IDistributedLock _lock;
        public RedisLockSample(IDistributedLock @lock)
            _lock = @lock;

        public async Task LockSample()
            using (var l = await _lock.Acquire("lock-key", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
                // do something

        public async Task TryLockSample()
            var lockerHandler = await _lock.TryAcquire("lock-key", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
            if (lockerHandler != null)
                using (lockerHandler)
                    // do something