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Integration Events

Since domain events are only used in local transactions, we need a mechanism to transmit events in a distributed system so that the handling of events does not block the execution of the command that initiated the event. This is the role of integration events.

Register Integration Event Services

The framework currently implements the CAP component to support integration events. We need to register the CAP component in the Startup class:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddCap(x =>

// Configure CAP for integration events
        .UseCap(b =>

Emitting Integration Events

Integration events are converted from domain events and are generally named with the suffix IntegrationEvent to distinguish them from domain events, such as OrderCreatedIntegrationEvent.

To emit an integration event, we need to define an IIntegrationEventConverter, which the framework will automatically use to convert domain events into integration events and emit them.

public class OrderCreatedIntegrationEventConverter : 
    IIntegrationEventConverter<OrderCreatedDomainEvent, OrderCreatedIntegrationEvent>
    public OrderCreatedIntegrationEvent Convert(OrderCreatedDomainEvent domainEvent)
        return new OrderCreatedIntegrationEvent(domainEvent.Order.Id);

Integration Event Handling

An integration event handler is a class that implements the IIntegrationEventHandler<TIntegrationEvent> interface, where TIntegrationEvent is the type of the integration event.

Typically, we can do the following in an integration event handler:

  • Emit commands
  • Call external services

Here is an example of an integration event handler:

public class OrderCreatedIntegrationEventHandler(IMediator mediator) : IIntegrationEventHandler<OrderCreatedIntegrationEvent>
    public async Task Handle(OrderCreatedIntegrationEvent eventData, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // Handle the integration event
        var cmd = new OrderPaidCommand(eventData.OrderId);
        await mediator.Send(cmd, cancellationToken);

Retry on Failure

We use the CAP component to implement integration events. The CAP component provides a retry mechanism for failures. When the handling of an integration event fails, CAP will automatically retry the handling. By default, it will retry 10 times.


Integration events must use simple objects because integration events need to support JSON format serialization and deserialization and be transmitted in a distributed system.